Passing in custom arguments

Just like the Automatic 1111 Web UI, Auto 1111 SDK allows you to pass in custom arguments to the SDK. When you initialize a pipeline, you must set the specific arguments/flags you want for that pipeline in the constructor. You can view all the flags that A1111 supports here: These flags become extremely useful when using a float 16 VAE in SDXL (see docs for example). For example, if I wanted to make the generation use medvram, I would do:

from auto1111sdk import StableDiffusionPipeline

pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline("model.safetensors", default_command_args = "--medvram")

You can do this for any of the pipelines in Auto 1111 SDK:

from auto1111sdk import StableDiffusionPipeline, EsrganPipeline, RealEsrganPipeline, StableDiffusionXLPipeline

pipe = StableDiffusionXLPipeline("model.safetensors", default_command_args = "--medvram")
upscaler_1 = EsrganPipeline("upscaler.pth", default_command_args = "<anything flag you want here>")
upscaler_1 = RealEsrganPipeline("upscaler2.pth", default_command_args = "<anything flag you want here>")

By default, Auto 1111 SDK sets the following flags:

## For StableDiffusionPipeline, EsrganPipeline, RealEsrganPipeline
if default_command_args is None:
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        os.environ['COMMANDLINE_ARGS'] = "--upcast-sampling --skip-torch-cuda-test --no-half-vae interrogate"
    elif torch.backends.mps.is_available():
        os.environ['COMMANDLINE_ARGS'] = "--skip-torch-cuda-test --upcast-sampling --no-half-vae --use-cpu interrogate"
        os.environ['COMMANDLINE_ARGS'] = "--skip-torch-cuda-test --no-half-vae --no-half interrogate"
    os.environ['COMMANDLINE_ARGS'] = default_command_args

And for Stable Diffusion XL Pipeline, Auto 1111 SDK sets the following flags by default:

if default_command_args is None:
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        os.environ['COMMANDLINE_ARGS'] = "--no-half-vae --no-half --medvram"
#       os.environ['COMMANDLINE_ARGS'] = "--skip-torch-cuda-test --medvram" # makes it faster with fp16 vae
    elif torch.backends.mps.is_available():
        os.environ['COMMANDLINE_ARGS'] = "--skip-torch-cuda-test --upcast-sampling --no-half-vae --use-cpu interrogate"
        os.environ['COMMANDLINE_ARGS'] = "--skip-torch-cuda-test --no-half-vae --no-half interrogate"
    os.environ['COMMANDLINE_ARGS'] = default_command_args

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